The Nunavut government`s Sport and Recreation Division is accepting grant applications until September 16. Municipalities and non-profits may apply for a one-time grant of $25K to be used toward sport and recreation programs.
- Other type of event
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Added on 2024-08-19
Nunavut, NU
The federal and Nunavut governments, along with Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, Nunavut Research Institute and Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre, are jointly providing $4.8M over five years to create a new research unit. The unit will conduct patient-oriented research to improve health care through evidence-based solutions.
- Other type of event
Professional, scientific and technical services
Added on 2024-06-20
Nunavut, NU
Nunavuk Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) is providing $1.5M for a feasibility study on Inuktut academic schools to strengthen Inuktut in Nunavut and its education systems. After seeing a model of Kalaallisut as the language of instruction in Greenland primary classrooms, the NTI board seeks to implement an equivalent in Nunavut.
- Job creation
Public administration
Added on 2024-06-17
Nunavut, NU
Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) is allocating $1.38M for Inunnguinirmut Tukimuattittijiit to review Inuit-led and delivered early childhood services options. The review will support the use of $16.4M budgeted for governance of the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care system. NTI is also providing funding towards renovating long term care facilities in three communities, developing laboratory and research capacity, developing an infrastructure assessment, and constructing three daycares.
- Job creation
Educational services
Added on 2024-03-27
Nunavut, NU